10th Annual Broward County Public Schools Debate Initiative Luncheon & Student Exhibition
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Broward Center for the Performing Arts
Join the Broward County Public Schools Debate Initiative for the 10th Annual Speaking for the Future Luncheon and Student Showcase. The #DebateBroward Initiative is a partnership between local businesses and school-based debate programs within Broward County. Now in its thirteenth year of implementation, the Initiative includes over 200 schools and 15,000 students. Every public middle and high school, in addition to over one hundred elementary schools, now have debate programs. The Initiative is grounded in research that shows the demonstrable impact participation in debate has on student achievement. All proceeds from this event are used to support BCPS debate students in their competitive debate endeavors.